Postpone Your Worry: Free Information Guide

Postpone Your Worry: Free Information Guide

The “Postpone Your Worry Free Information Guide” is a resource designed to help individuals manage worry by postponing it to a designated period. This approach aims to make worry less intrusive in daily life, offering a greater sense of control. The guide outlines the following steps:

  1. Create a Worry Period: Choose a specific time, place, and duration for worrying each day, ensuring it’s comfortable and free from distractions, not close to bedtime, and not a regularly used space like a lounge room chair.
  2. Postpone Your Worry: When a worry arises, note it briefly on paper and postpone it to the worry period. This involves carrying a notebook to jot down worries and reminding oneself to deal with them later, focusing on present activities.
  3. Reflect During the Worry Period: At the designated time, reflect on the noted worries. If they no longer seem relevant or bothersome, no further action is needed. If they are still pertinent, spend only the allotted time addressing them.

The guide encourages practicing this approach consistently, acknowledging that it might initially feel strange or difficult. It also suggests using mindfulness techniques to assist in letting go of worry until the worry period. This document is intended for informational purposes and is available on the website of the Centre for Clinical Interventions.