Free Relaxation & Stress Reduction Workbook

The Relaxation & Stress Reduction Workbook‘The Relaxation & Stress Reduction Workbook’ by Davis, Eshelman and McKay is a comprehensive guide designed to assist individuals in effectively managing stress and achieving a greater sense of relaxation and well-being. This book provides practical techniques and exercises that can be easily utilised by anyone seeking to reduce stress in their lives. With a focus on practicality and accessibility, it offers a wide range of strategies to help individuals realise a calmer and more balanced state of mind.


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1 How You React to Stress: Sources of Stress, Fight-or-Flight Response, Chronic Stress and Disease, Schedule of Recent Experience, Prevention, Symptoms Checklist, Tactics for Coping with Stress, Tactics for Coping with Stress Inventory, Knowing Your Goal, Symptom-Relief Effectiveness, Symptom-Relief Effectiveness Chart, Further Reading

2 Body Awareness: Background, Body Inventory, Stress-Awareness Diary, Record of General Tension, Further Reading

3 Breathing, Background: Symptom-Relief Effectiveness, Time to Master, Instructions, Preparing to Do Breathing Exercises, Breathing Basics, Special Considerations, Breathing for Tension Release and Increased Awareness, Breathing for Symptom Control or Release, Final Thoughts, Further Reading, Recordings

4 Progressive Relaxation: Background, Symptom-Relief Effectiveness, Time to Master, Instructions, Special Considerations, Further Reading, Recording

5 Meditation: Background, Symptom-Relief Effectiveness, Time to Master, Instructions, Exercises, Special Considerations, Further Reading, Recordings

6 Visualization: Background, Symptom-Relief Effectiveness, Time to Master, Instructions, Basic Tension and Relaxation Exercises, Special Considerations, Further Reading, Recordings

7 Applied Relaxation Training: Background, Symptom-Relief Effectiveness, Time to Master, Instructions, Special Considerations, Further Reading, Recording

8 Self-Hypnosis: Background, Symptom-Relief Effectiveness, Contraindications, Time to Master, Instructions, Special Considerations, Further Reading

9 Autogenics: Background, Symptom-Relief Effectiveness, Contraindications, Time to Master, Instructions, Special Considerations, Further Reading, Recording

10 Brief Combination Techniques: Background, Symptom-Relief Effectiveness, Time to Master, Instructions, Further Reading, Recordings

11 Focusing: Background, Symptom-Relief Effectiveness, Time to Master, Instructions, Suggestions for Focusing on Special Problems, Special Considerations, A Real-Life Example of the Power of Focusing, Final Thoughts, Further Reading, Websites

12 Refuting Irrational Ideas: Background, Symptom-Relief Effectiveness, Time to Master, Instructions, Refuting Irrational Ideas, Special Considerations, Further Reading

13 Facing Worry and Anxiety: Background, Symptom-Relief Effectiveness, Time to Master, Instructions, Instructions for Imagery Exposure, Special Considerations, Turn Worry into Problem Solving, Problem-Solving Worksheet, Final Thoughts, Further Reading

14 Coping Skills Training for Fears: Background, The Five Steps of Coping Skills Training for Fears, Symptom-Relief Effectiveness, Time to Master, Instructions, Special Considerations, Further Reading

15 Anger Inoculation: Background, Symptom-Relief Effectiveness, Time to Master, Instructions, Special Considerations, Further Reading

16 Goal Setting and Time Management: Background, Limits of Multitasking, Symptom-Relief Effectiveness, Time to Master, Instructions, Clarifying Your Values, Setting Goals, Developing an Action Plan, Evaluating How You Spend Your Time, Combating Procrastination, Organizing Your Time, Further Reading, Recordings

17 Assertiveness Training: Background, Symptom-Relief Effectiveness, Time to Master, Instructions, Further Reading

18 Work-Stress Management: Background, What Causes Work Burnout?, Symptom-Relief Effectiveness, Time to Master, Five Steps Toward Managing Your Work Stress, Final Thoughts, Further Reading, Website

19 Nutrition and Stress: Background, Symptom-Relief Effectiveness, Time to Master, Twelve Steps to Positive Eating, Self-Assessment, Taking Charge of Your Nutritional Well-Being, Set Your Personal Positive Eating Goals Now, Final Thoughts, Further Reading, Other Resource, Websites

20 Exercise, Background: How Does Exercise Reduce Stress?, What Is the Evidence?, Types of Exercise, Symptom-Relief Effectiveness, Time to Master, Developing Your Own Exercise Program, Choosing the Best Type of Exercise for Yourself, Establishing Goals, Sample Exercise Program, Special Considerations, Further Reading, Television Programs, Videos, and DVDs, Websites, Community Resources, Training Resources for Long-Distance Activities

21 When It Doesn’t Come Easy—Getting Unstuck: Taking Responsibility for Your Decisions, Confront Your Excuses, Confronting Roadblocks to Stress Management and Relaxation, When Symptoms Persist, Persistence Pays