The Fight, Flight or Freeze Response: Information Page for Younger Children

The Fight, Flight or Freeze Response: Information Page for Younger ChildrenThe Fight, Flight or Freeze Response Information Page for Younger Children is a child-friendly resource designed to explain the concept of anxiety and the physiological responses that come with it. Created by WeHeartCBT, this page uses simple language and relatable examples to help young children understand why they feel anxious and what happens in their bodies during these moments.

The information page introduces children to the concept of the Fight, Flight, or Freeze response, explaining that it is a natural reaction that everyone experiences when they feel threatened or scared. This response is a survival mechanism that dates back to when humans needed to protect themselves from real dangers, like wild animals.

  • Fight: Preparing to confront a danger.
  • Flight: Getting ready to run away from the threat.
  • Freeze: Staying still and hiding from the danger.

The page outlines various symptoms that children might experience when the Fight, Flight, or Freeze response is triggered, including:

  • Fast heartbeat
  • Shortness of breath
  • Shaking
  • Sweating
  • Stomach ache
  • Dizziness
  • Tense muscles

These symptoms are compared to a smoke alarm that goes off even when there is no real fire, helping children understand that their body is reacting to a perceived threat, even if there is no actual danger.

Practical Applications

This information page can be used in several ways to support children:

  1. Educational Settings: Teachers and school counsellors can use this page to explain anxiety to students in a way that is easy to understand and relate to.

  2. Therapeutic Use: Mental health professionals can incorporate this page into therapy sessions with children to help them identify and understand their anxiety symptoms.

  3. Home Use: Parents can use this resource to talk to their children about anxiety, helping them recognize and manage their feelings effectively.

By understanding the Fight, Flight, or Freeze response, children can better manage their anxiety and feel more in control of their emotions. This resource is an excellent tool for anyone working with children to promote mental health awareness and coping skills.