Gratitude Scavenger Hunt Activity

Gratitude Scavenger Hunt Activity

The “Gratitude Scavenger Hunt Activity” document is a simple, engaging tool designed to encourage individuals, particularly children, to explore and express gratitude. Developed by Great Minds Together, this activity involves finding items that evoke feelings of gratitude or happiness. Participants are prompted to find various things, including:

  1. Their favourite colour.
  2. Their favourite toy.
  3. Their favourite place on a map.
  4. Something that makes them feel safe.
  5. Something which smells nice.
  6. A picture of someone they love.
  7. Something which makes them smile.
  8. Something which tastes nice.
  9. Something they are thankful for.
  10. Someone who helps them.

This activity is not only fun but also beneficial for mental well-being, as it helps individuals, especially children, to focus on positive aspects of their life and surroundings. By identifying items and people that they are grateful for, participants can cultivate a sense of appreciation and positivity.