Children’s Health and Wellebing Passport

Children's Health and Wellbeing Passport

The “Health and Wellbeing Passport” is a tool designed by children and young people to facilitate communication and information sharing with doctors, nurses, and other healthcare staff. It serves as a way for individuals to express who they are, how they are feeling, and the type of support they may need during their healthcare interactions.

Here is a breakdown of the key sections and components of the Health and Wellbeing Passport:

  1. Basic Information:

    • Name: The individual’s name is recorded at the top of the passport.
    • Illness: This section may contain information about the individual’s medical condition or illness.
    • Family & Who Looks After You: Here, details about the individual’s family or primary caregivers are provided.
  2. Personal Expression:

    • “Draw your favorite things”: A creative space is provided for individuals to draw or represent their favorite things, allowing them to express their interests and preferences.
  3. How Do You Feel Today?:

    • In this section, individuals are encouraged to share their current feelings on different dates.
    • There is a space to write the date, express how they are feeling, and indicate whether they would like to discuss it with their doctor, parent/carers, or a worker.
  4. Contact Information:

    • Contact details for inquiries or more information are provided. This includes an email address for contacting the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) and an invitation to reach out for further resources and support.
  5. Resources Created by Young People from RCPCH &Us:

    • This section highlights various emotional health resources created by young people in collaboration with the RCPCH &Us initiative.
    • It provides links to resources like Emoji Cards, Chatterbox game, Doctor’s Pocket Book for discussing mental health with young patients, and the Being Me passport, emotions poster, and feelings-teller.

The Health and Wellbeing Passport is designed to empower young individuals to communicate effectively with healthcare professionals by sharing their thoughts, feelings, and preferences. It aims to enhance the patient’s experience during healthcare interactions and promote a holistic approach to healthcare that takes into account the emotional well-being of the patient.