Free Back to School or College: A Pack for Young People

FREE PDF DOWNLOAD OF BACK TO SCHOOL OR COLLEGE: A PACK FOR YOUNG PEOPLEThe guide “Back to School or College: A Guide for Young People” is a supportive resource designed to help young individuals navigate the emotional and practical challenges of returning to school or college after being off. The guide acknowledges the wide range of emotions students may feel about this transition, from excitement to anxiety, and provides tools and strategies to manage these feelings.

Contents of the Guide:

  • Introduction: Sets the context of the lockdown and its impact on education, aiming to prepare students for the return to school with confidence and reduced anxiety.
  • Identifying Emotions: Encourages students to recognize and name their feelings about returning to school, offering a list of emotions to help articulate these feelings.
  • Thoughts and Feelings: Discusses the connection between thoughts, feelings, and behaviours, providing strategies to manage negative thoughts.
  • Managing Worries: Offers tips on how to handle worries about the return to school, including practical steps to take.
  • Fight or Flight: Explains the body’s natural response to stress and how to cope with it.
  • Relaxation: Provides relaxation techniques to help reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Wellbeing: Focuses on overall wellbeing, suggesting activities that promote mental health.
  • Friendships: Addresses the social aspect of returning to school, including rekindling friendships and social skills.
  • Sensory: Discusses sensory strategies to help with self-regulation.
  • Getting Going: Offers motivation and tips for getting back into the school routine.
  • Same or Different: Helps students to understand and accept the changes they will encounter.
  • My Plan: Encourages students to create a personal plan for their return to school.
  • Questions: Provides space for students to write down any questions they have about going back to school.

The guide is 24 pages long and is designed to be interactive, allowing students to choose which sections are most useful to them and to skip those that are not. It’s a comprehensive tool to help young people feel more prepared and less anxious about the changes they are facing.